5 Things to Keep in Mind for Using Edible Flowers

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Did you know that there are almost 100 types of flowers that are not only edible, but taste good as well? If you?ve been trying to think of ways to spice up your gourmet food, then edible flowers might be the answer — both literally and figuratively. Here?s what you need to know.

1. Edible Flowers Have Unique Tastes

If you get crystallized flowers, then not surprisingly, they are going to have a sugary taste — it?s the sugar that helps to preserve both their shape and color. If you?re interested in getting any other type of edible flowers, then you should keep in mind that they have mild flavors that could add unique flavors and textures to your meal. Some are more peppery, for example, while others are more sweet. Still others can have a slightly spicy taste to them.

2. Edible Flowers for Salads

What?s the best way to add flavor to a salad? You can go with olives, cheese or seeds. But some might say edible flowers. This is a way to bring a salad to a new level without having to get too crazy — there are only so many people willing to try haggis on their salad, after all. This can be used either in a home setting or in a restaurant — either way, guests will be pleased by this unique garnish.

3. Can You Grow Them at Home?

Microgreens tend to be difficult to grow on your home, so this wouldn?t be recommended. Luckily, it?s easy to buy them online and they will arrive fresh and ready to use.

4. Have Fun With Cocktail Hour

Need another way to use your sugar flowers? Why not try putting them in some drinks? These can make a great garnish no matter what your plans are. And they are a good way to make a ?so so? drink look extra fancy. So why not? One idea: pair a sweet flower like the rose with a drink like cranberry vodka lemonade. It will bring your drink up to a new level instantly.
5. More for Desserts

Whether you’re making birthday cake or cupcakes for a friend’s party, it can be a great idea to use edible flowers. They’ll impress everyone — especially the fact that they are edible. And if you work in a professional setting, they will be a nice way to add color and texture to your window display!