Healthier, Tastier And Safer Why You Should Buy Free Range And Grass Fed Meat

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It seems like there’s always something new to learn about your health every day. Chemicals found in household cleaning products, smog in the air, rates of cancer…it can all seem like a bit much to keep track of. You can, however, start small and make sure whatever you prepare for dinner is doing you right. This is where grass fed beef and wild caught Alaskan salmon comes into play. Why buy meat that is anything less than what you deserve? Free range and grass fed meat has been found to not just be safer, but more nutritious and more environmentally friendly.

The most important thing you should know about sustainable meat is that everyone up and down the line benefits. You support your local meat farmers with your business and feed money right back into your local economy. You encourage healthier standards with your dollar and create meat that provides better results for every buyer. Best of all? Grass fed meat recipes and wild caught Alaskan salmon are simply delicious.

Although grass fed beef only accounts for less than 3% of all beef sales in the United States, this number is beginning to increase as people become privy to the benefits of buying from local farmers. Grass fed beef has been found to have seven times more beta carotene than conventional grain fed cows. It also has higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, that of which is typically attributed mainly to fish. For those that prefer to eat mainly fish, however, you’ll be happy to know wild caught Alaskan salmon has its own unique benefits.

Wild salmon is delicious, easy to prepare and can be mixed into a variety of recipes. You can toss a salmon steak over rice or shred salmon into a salad. All in all, it’s a tasty and very healthy way of getting your nutrients and keeping off excess pounds. Wild salmon has been found to have 30% fewer calories than its farmed counterpart, thanks to data from the National Nutrition Database, and it also averages 13 grams of fat in a half filet. Compare this to farmed salmon, which often reaches 27 grams or more.

What else can wild caught Alaskan salmon offer? Farmed salmon also has three times the amount of saturated fat as wild salmon. Cutting saturated fat from your diet is a good way of helping you lose weight as well as reducing your risk for heart disease and stroke. For those that prefer pork, pasture pigs have up to 300% more vitamin E as well as 70% more selenium in their milk. The latter promotes healthier litters, emphasizing the ‘full circle’ mentality that comes from grass fed, free range and wild caught options stated above.

Meat always comes with precautions you need to consider every time you cook. A 2011 study published by the Clinical Infectious Diseases has estimated as many as 45% of meat and poultry products contain Staph bacteria. An earlier study completed in 2001 also found up to 60% of antibiotics produced in the United States are given to livestock. When you buy free range meat you not only get superior nutrients and calorie counts, you also get meat that is safer to eat due to less human intervention.

Safer, tastier and much more nutritious. What more could you want out of your diet?