How Local Meat Farmers Are Creating Healthier And Safer Meat Products For Their Customers

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Sustainable meat

Your daily diet affects you in ways you can scarcely imagine. Why would you? You have enough things to worry about without always counting calories or double-checking where, exactly, you’re getting your meat from. A little extra care could make all the difference, however, and the list below is going to shed some light on the benefits of buying wild caught, free range and grass fed meat. Not only do these purchases go a long way in supporting a growing sustainable meat industry, you’ll be getting more bang for your buck by consuming meat that’s tastier, healthier and safer.

When you lead a busy life, it can mean the world to have meat that gives you less to worry about.

Beef is one of the most commonly consumed forms of meat in the United States. We create delicious steaks for weekend getaways, grab a burger on the way to work or whip up some meatballs for an Italian dinner with the family. Local meat farmers know this and work hard to provide us the very best in grass fed steaks online. Beef from grass fed cows has seven times more beta carotene than their grain fed counterparts. What does beta carotene do? It’s similar to vitamin A and is essential for promoting a healthy immune system and healthy skin.

You can find even more benefits to grass fed beef when you do a little digging. Beef provided by grass fed cows also have much higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids. These are commonly associated with fish and are known for giving you significant health benefits, from preventing health conditions to promoting healthier brain function (even more important since the body can’t actually create omega-3 fatty acids on its own). If you don’t eat a lot of beef, never fear. There are plenty of benefits to be found in free range pork.

Pork is a popular ingredient in many people’s diet. From bacon in the morning to a ham sandwich in the afternoon, you don’t have to look very far to find delicious ingredients for your favorite recipe. Does that mean you should buy from just anywhere? Not quite. Local meat farmers put increased emphasis on sustainable practices, encouraging meat that’s as healthy as it is tasty. Pasture pigs have over 300% the vitamin E that farmed pigs do, with an additional 70% selenium in their milk. The latter promotes healthy litters, creating a positive cycle both farmers and consumers benefit from.

Some people don’t eat red meat or poultry at all and instead focus on fish. You’re in luck! Wild caught Alaskan salmon is making waves and you’ll be happy to know it’s for a good reason. Wild caught salmon is a term for salmon that isn’t produced in a farm or factory, instead caught in the wild and discouraging a lot of the side-effects seen from mass-produced meat. The average half filet of wild salmon has only 13 grams of fat. Compare this to farmed salmon, which can exceed 25 grams. Wild salmon also has over 30% fewer calories. Lighter, healthier and more sustainable. There’s a lot to love.

Eating safe meat is a health concern for many. Meat can house all sorts of harmful bacteria and parasites, those of which are eliminated through careful cooking and safe handling. For those that want to reduce their risk even further, local meat farmers have you more than covered. A study conducted back in 2011 by the Clinical Infectious Diseases journal revealed nearly half of all store-bought meat is home to Staph bacteria. It’s also estimated 80% of antibiotics produced in the United States are given to livestock.

Your daily diet should support you in every way imaginable. You should be getting the vitamins you need to feel your best, the most bang for your hard-earned buck and peace-of-mind from harmful diseases. Invest in local meat farmers and, in turn, help them invest in you.